The Ultimate Speaker Profile Template (With Examples) (2024)

A speaker profile template is a way to summarize your education, history, and experience to sell your speaking expertise. This is commonly used when you’re pitching a conference or event. Also known as a speaker one-sheet and speaker bio, the ultimate speaker profile template highlights your topic areas, contact details, and rates in a quick, efficient format.

When it comes to landing impressive speaking events, you need to go beyond talking the talk. You also have to walk the walk. A speaker profile positions you as a thought leader and professional. Better yet, you don’t need any extensive experience or skills to create your own speaker profile.

With that in mind, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. In fact, it helps to use an established speaker profile template conference leaders are already familiar with. When you use an expected template or framework, it’s efficient for decision-makers to review your highlights reel quickly. While there’s always room for creativity, you only have a few seconds to make a strong impression.

Most professional speakers focus on their website and social media presence, but this is only one side of the story. Successful professional speakers know that every impression counts. You and your business only have7 secondsto make a first impression. Every second counts. That’s why we created the ultimate speaker profile template with clear examples so you can create your own with confidence.

What is a speaker profile?

First, what even is a speaker profile? As the name implies, this is a quick biography about your achievements, history, and experience. It includes afull profileof why a conference or event should choose you as a speaker. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to speaker profiles, but most include some variation of the following:

  • Bio:A short and sweetbio explaining who you areand why you stand out. This can range from a few words to several paragraphs, depending on the context.
  • Contact information:Like a business card, you want to make sure your contact details are easy to find. This could include a website, email, phone number, and even social media profiles.
  • Testimonials:If you have previous testimonials or stories, you might share one that stands out.
  • Photos:It’s also common to include a headshot on your speaker profile, as well as photos of your speaking. Seeing you in action helps youshowrather thantell,and it communicates confidence.
  • Topics:Share possible titles of your talks or events, and describe what you’ll cover in these sessions.
  • Experience:If you’ve been featured in other conferences, events, or publications, highlight this prior experience.
  • Rates:Lastly, share your offerings and rates. You should include different packages, including what each option covers and a rate range.

All of this information should be as brief as possible. While you might have more to say, limiting your speaker profile to a single page allows the event leader to quickly learn what they need to know.While they want to make the right choice, the people in charge of large events are busy. This is why a speaker profile is so valuable as a marketing tool. Whether your profile appears online or in print, you want it to stand out.

What’s the difference between my speaker profile, speaker biography, and speaker one sheet?

With that in mind, it’s common to get confused between all of the terms you see in the speaker space. While you’re likely to see these used interchangeably, they have very specific definitions. The terms “speaker profile,” “speaker biography,” and “speaker one sheet” mean distinct things. Let’s break down the key differences to get the facts straight.

  • Bio:A bio orspeaker biographyis a written description of your professional experiences that relate to your areas of expertise. This should include awards, noteworthy accomplishments, certifications, and so on. In other words, your bio is anything you would put in a highlight reel. For instance, you might include being featured on “Forbes’ 30 Under 30 List” as part of your bio.
  • Profile:A profile is when a professional description of you and your work appears online or in print. This includes a bio, photos of you speaking, headshots, awards, pricing information, or details about your speaking programs. While all of these elements aren’t necessary, a profile shows a comprehensive glimpse into your expertise.
  • One sheet:Lastly, aspeaker one sheetis a professionally designed summary of your speaker profile. This is commonly included on your website or linked to social media pages. As the name implies, a “one sheet” is usually a single page.Creating a killer one sheetis an important marketing tool for speakers.

While you might see these terms used interchangeably, note how they refer to very specific things in the speaking space. They all have their own roles, and it’s common for professional speakers to develop all of the above. If you’re trying toget paid to speak, you have to become a master of first impressions both online and offline.

What does a speaker profile template look like?

Next, what does a speaker profile template look like on different mediums? Whether you’ve been speaking professionally for years or you’re just getting started, the general speaker profile template is the same across the board. At a minimum, you should have these things on your speaker profile. The goal is to give a clear picture of why you’re the right fit for your audience.

Social Media

To begin, since we’re living in the digital age, you need to have some kind of online presence. If you’re keeping things simple, you’ll want to have a short bio and a link to your website URL at the very least. Otherwise, if you have the space, include more detailed information such as key topic areas, awards, and achievements.

However, keep in mind that most people following you on social media won’t be looking to hire you. If they were, they’ll likely take those extra steps to dig deeper into your contact info. This means it’s not usually appropriate to list your rates, phone number, or any other in-depth details on your social profiles.

Media Appearances

Next, if you’re lucky to land media appearances, congrats! This is a wonderful form of social proof, but it does have more limitations than other speaker profile templates on this list. When your speaker profile is featured on someone else’s platform, you have to default to their expectations. It’s up to the discretion of the host what you can or cannot include as part of your speaker profile.

For podcasts, you typically can include a short bio, headshot, and links to social profiles and websites. If you’re not sure, always ask what information your host is willing to feature on your behalf. On theSpeakerFlow podcast, for example, we share guest resources that benefit our listeners. The key is usually in providing context, trust, and value.

Event Appearances

Again, when your speaker profile is highlighted as part of an event, you default to what the host wants. In most cases, you’ll share a bio, headshot, and your website URL. This is when it pays to get creative with your bio. Make sure you specifically tailor your professional bio to the particular event, drawing attention to your most relevant topic areas.

You can also be mindful of the website URL you include. Linking to a specific page on your website with targeted information, like a landing page, is a great idea. You might also share specific resources relevant to the event or your speaking topic. A bit of creativity goes a long way with event appearances.

Speakers Bureau Websites

On the other hand, you have an opportunity to go more in-depth on speaker bureau websites with your speaker profile. You can share a description of your programs, pricing, areas of expertise, ideal audience, awards, certifications, speaking photos, bio, and more.

That being said, keep in mind you only have a few seconds to make an impression. Event organizers want to find key information quickly. Using simplified bullet points makes it possible for event leaders to spot the most important details quickly. Nobody wants to sift through a wall of text—and they won’t. Reviewing someexamples on eSpeakersis a great way to get inspired.

Your Website

Last but not least, your website is an opportunity to fully create your own speaker profile. This should be your most detailed profile of all, and you can space out your details on multiple pages. While you might adjust your bio to appear in several places on your website, it’s common to create an event planners page specifically for those hiring for events.

This event planner page should resemble a speakers bureau listing in that it shares relevant information, a downloadable one-sheet, and pricing. Your website is a chance to let your brand voice shine. More importantly, you have the space and control to really customize the experience to your audience.

How can I use this speaker profile template in my speaking business?

Now that you know what different speaker profile templates look like, how can you use these as a marketing tool for your speaking business? This profile is more than just something that exists in print or cyberspace. It’s an ever-changing way to promote yourself to find new opportunities.

Your Online Speaker Profile

To begin, your online speaker profile is about more than self-promotion. While promotion is important, your online presence also has its own SEO potential. You can target specific search engine keywords to appear in results, increasing your chances of getting noticed. For example, if you specialize in virtual keynote speaking, you can include the key phrase “virtual keynote speaker” throughout your online speaker profiles.

Beyond SEO-optimization, your online speaker profile is also a way to widen your audience. Using media appearances and social profiles as the dynamic tools they act as social proof in their own right. With40% of usersfinding new brands and personalities to follow based on personal recommendations, you can’t understate the value of social proof.

Your Print Speaker Profile

Similarly, your print speaker profile also carries its own weight. While you have less control over this, a well-executed print profile leads to endless opportunities. Because print profiles carry physical weight in person, they often are more trustworthy. Better yet, they can turn a one-time gig into future opportunities.

For example, say you’re a speaker at an in-person networking event. Your audience might take note of your bio and website on the program, looking you up for future events. Any time you share your bio and website, whether in person or online, treat this as an opportunity to market yourself (because it is).

Leverage This Winning Speaker Profile Template

Ultimately, a speaker profile template helps you identify key areas to promote yourself. This is far from one-size-fits-all, but there are industry standards to consider. It’s important to know when to share a detailed bio, how to link to your top resources, and whether it’s appropriate to talk about price. Though some of this comes with experience, you need a speaker profile at any level.

If you want to be anexpert thought leader, you need to act like one. This means positioning yourself in the context of someone who regularly speaks professionally. Now is the time to create the perfect speaker profile template for your audience, considering how you stand out from the rest. A bit of pre-planning goes a long way. Are you always ready to make a strong first impression?

This post was originally written and posted on

The Ultimate Speaker Profile Template (With Examples) (2024)


How do you write a good speaker profile? ›

Effective speaker bios begin with a compelling opening line that grabs the reader's attention. At a high level, speaker bios should showcase the speaker's expertise, credentials, and achievements. They should also highlight relevant industry experience and accomplishments.

How to write a profile for a guest speaker? ›

5 Tips for better speaker bios (plus examples!)
  1. Start with the speaker bio basics. Make sure your bio covers key information about the speaker. ...
  2. Highlight your guest speaker's accomplishments. ...
  3. Share a unique perspective. ...
  4. Cater to your audience. ...
  5. Keep it brief.
Feb 14, 2024

How do you profile a speaker? ›

Here are some steps to follow when writing your speaker profile:
  1. Decide on a suitable structure. ...
  2. List your personal basics. ...
  3. Show an appropriate level of confidence. ...
  4. Bring a unique perspective. ...
  5. Consider the audience.
Aug 14, 2023

How do you write a speaker bio template? ›

A speaker bio should include a brief summary of your education, work history, and experience relevant to your speaking topic. When you're writing your bio, you want to focus on how the audience perceives you. What is it about you that would be most important or interesting to them?

What is an example of a short professional bio? ›

An example of a short professional bio is: "Katie is a seasoned marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in digital advertising strategies. She has helped numerous brands achieve their online marketing goals, leading to increased visibility and 3x revenue YoY."

What is the introduction of the speaker profile? ›

Speaker Introduction

In short, the speaker intro explains why you are uniquely qualified to talk about this specific topic to this particular audience in a natural and authentic way. Did you notice the one additional element in an introduction that does not exist in the speaker bio? The audience.

What is an example of introduction of a guest speaker? ›

General Introduction Example for a Guest Speaker

Meet [speaker's name], the brain behind groundbreaking innovations in [speaker's field]. With a career spanning over two decades, [he/she] has earned accolades like [specific achievement], transforming challenges into triumphs.

What is the profile of a motivational speaker? ›

A motivational speaker is a business professional who delivers speeches designed to inspire and motivate people in the audience. Also known as "inspirational speakers," these individuals are gifted in the art of persuasion. They positively present their ideas and encourage others to follow their way of thinking.

What is the proper format of a speaker? ›

Answer:The correct label for a speaker is Speaker1: Format for a label is speaker name in bold followed by a 'colon' and after the colon the sentence which the speaker is currently speaking. This provides a clear picture of the dialogue between two or more persons, as well as the individual who is now speaking.

What is a high profile speaker? ›

As the main headline speaker, the keynote may be the Chairman or CEO of an organisation, but often they're a high-profile and external personality — either well known publicly or within the industry — who will be a draw or incentive for delegates to attend and hear them speak.

What is a speaker sheet? ›

A speaker one sheet, otherwise known as a “speaker sheet” or “one-pager,” is a one page document (one or two-sided) explaining who you are, what you speak about, and why the event planner reading it should hire you. In other words, your one sheet is a brief resume for your speaking experience.

How to write a 3 sentence bio? ›

For a three-sentence bio, consider these three objectives:
  1. Tell readers who you are and what you do.
  2. Reveal a glimpse of your personality.
  3. Encourage readers to find out more.

What are good bio quotes? ›

Instagram Bio Quotes
  • “Just be yourself — there is no one better.” – ...
  • “The road to success is always under construction.” – ...
  • “Lose your dreams, and you will lose your mind.” – ...
  • “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” – ...
  • “Believe you can, and you're halfway there.” –
Apr 25, 2024

How do you start a bio example? ›

Most people choose to include their full name, including surname, at the start of their bio. However, if your website URL or personal brand is already your full name, you can shorten it to just your first name. Your position: your current position and the tasks you're responsible for should get a mention.

What are good words to describe a speaker? ›

  • articulate.
  • coherent.
  • expressive.
  • fluent.
  • impassioned.
  • silver-tongued.
  • well-expressed.
  • well-spoken.

What is a speaker profile? ›

Speaker bios, unlike the brief on your CV or social media profile, are curated to display a holistic viewpoint of your professional achievements and personal milestones. It's the first glimpse that audiences and event attendees have into your work and personality.

What are five suggestions for being a good speaker? ›

Here are five simple ways that you can become a better speaker.
  • Don't memorize your lines. Far too many speakers believe that the best way to give a great speech is to memorize the content word-for-word. ...
  • Practice in a noisy room. ...
  • Embrace audio and visuals. ...
  • Focus on serving the audience. ...
  • Make it interactive.
Aug 31, 2016

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.